I gave my Algebra II students a test Friday. It was over a LONG chapter. We reviewed for 3 days and they still complained (they don't always study...)! So I put off grading them this weekend thinking they might be a bit of a bear to grade. But I did take them home... I tried to be good (I'm not really sure I ever intended to do it over the weekend). Anyway, I took them out of my book bag in order to find the few that weren't finished so those students could finish today, and I just went to take them out of my bag, and what do you know, I left them at school! THIS was HONESTLY a mistake. Not doing them on the weekend... that was a choice. But I was going to at least get started tonight... guess I'm not now because there is no way I'm driving to the school and sneaking around those dark hallways to retrieve them now!
I'll miss you all if the kids riot and kill me tomorrow... (kidding! They're good kids... usually) ;)