It's been a pretty good year so far. Somewhat different classes than before but for the most part my students are pretty great.
Christmas break is coming to a close. I still have the weekend, but this is my last official day off, since I get weekends anyway. Some schools in our area went back yesterday, but many of them ended up dismissing early and canceling today, so I'm glad that we were still on break... We can't afford to use any more snow days at this point! (We've already had 3!)
I just completed my RESA Task 1... The "Resident Educator Summative Assessment." It was no fun at all and I majorly procrastinated. I won't comment much on this for I have nothing nice to say to the state of Ohio except perhaps, "Thanks for extending the deadline!" I have not yet hit the submit button. It makes me nervous!
Well, that's about all I suppose. Don't feel much like ranting about the RESA right now... don't want the department of education people in Columbus hunting me down!
Thanks to those of you who actually read this! Happy New Year!