Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"As you all know..."

One of the things you should know if you're soon going to be a first year teacher is this: sometimes you'll find out things that everyone assumes you already knew. This could be bad. You may have neglected something important, or you may have some unforeseen responsibility, or you might need to clean a popcorn machine, or... I don't know! But the point is, it's usually not good to find out something that you were supposed to already know. No one likes that.

But sometimes, finding out something you didn't already know can be really good. Exciting even. Like this:

Today I got an email began: "As class advisors you all know you are invited to chaperone the senior class trip to Cedar Point..."

I definitely didn't know. I saw the trip on the calendar and thought, "Gee, I wonder how you get yourself signed up to chaperone that?!" But it was just a fleeting thought, because I figured there was no way the new girl was going to get a day off to go to Cedar Point.

But apparently she does.

[And that popcorn machine... a few freshmen are definitely getting pulled out of study hall for that one...]