Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Check Out My Roommate's Blog!

Yes, I totally stole her title, because she just promoted me on her blog about 20 seconds ago (maybe 2 minutes by the time I finish typing this)! She's a wordpress girl, but you should check it out anyway. She's a writer. Seriously, she's writing a novel. So yeah, we have totally different career aspirations... math vs. literature... but we're great friends.

You see, when I was hired last year, it was about 2 weeks before school started, and I was hired at my alma mater, so my first year of teaching was spent living at home with my parents. But this spring, I became a real adult and I bought a house! So in addition to not updating my blog over the summer because it's a teaching blog and I wasn't teaching school, I also didn't update because I was busy with cleaning and painting and remodeling and babysitting. (You've gotta do something to make some extra cash when you buy your first house!)

So anyway, go check her out. Because one day she might be a famous Sci-Fi writer!

1 comment:

  1. Might? Might????????? gee, thanks for the vote of confidence there....Check out my blog because i WILL be a famous scifi writer.
