Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Taste of Year Two

Since one of the classes I teach uses the same book as the school where I student taught, I've been getting a taste of what next year (as a second year teacher) is going to be like. It's WONDERFUL. I haven't brought any work home for three days!

We are having some unseasonably warm weather. And it's February 1st! I hear that this month shall also bring a huge snow storm, but as an educator, I'm also COMPLETELY okay with that. But for today, I'm enjoying the chance to pretend it's spring. Sitting outside in my gazebo with my laptop is pure bliss.

So why mention the weather in my teaching blog? Well today my last class BEGGED me to take them outside. I checked with another teacher to make sure this was okay, then we busted out of there! I only had 14 in that class today, so I let them sit out on the patio to work. I walked around and helped out and counted them about once a minute (felt like working at camp). But it was great because the sun was shining and I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful February 1st. 

Sorry I've been gone so long. Things got crazy for a while, both teaching and personally. But I'm still really loving my job! :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you post again! I started the MAT program at Muskingum a few weeks ago, and now I have all these ideas about what it is like to be a teacher.

    Good to know that 2nd year might be a bit smoother... I have expectations of a rough first year.

    Today is a wonderful day. Enjoy while it lasts... who knows what our state with throw at us next.
