Monday, October 8, 2012


Today I thought I'd introduce you to my favorite comic: XKCD! It's... A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.

It's hilarious. And nerdy. Oh, SO nerdy. It was first introduced to me by a math professor in college. I wish I could remember which one it was that she showed us that day... anyway...

The artist draws stick figures, so on first glance, you might think he's not so good... WRONG. He's awesome. Like this one: Click and Drag. I seriously haven't found the end of the picture. (This is a rather recent one that I just discovered today, and what prompted me to write this post.)

But I think I should introduce you to a few more of my favorites while I'm on the topic of the best comic ever.

Flow Charts: How to read flow charts presented in flow chart form!
The Carriage: mouseover the comic... his mouseovers are the best part
Movie Narrative Charts: this one is just genius... click on the comic to enlarge it
Newton and Leibniz: for the true Calculus nerd...
Sierpinski Valentine: LOVE IT

Oh, and then this earlier one called "Useless" which I've included here.

There are many more I love, but those are just a few that really stand out or that I found in a quick search or that I think you would enjoy. And if the author of the comic read that last sentence, he'd probably have something to say about the run-on, but hopefully my promotion of his comics makes up for the fact that I can't really write very well and totally lack his creativity. But anyway, you should check them out because they're awesome.


  1. Excellent! XKCD is great... I like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pie charts, his maps of the internet, and the one with the ocean depths.

  2. Seriously, though, that Emily Dickenson poem....every time.

  3. If you want to see the whole Click and Drag picture:
