Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Gave my first tests in Algebra I and Geometry on Monday and Tuesday. The Algebra ones went great! Geometry was okay. I've found that a lot of students struggle with Geometry because it requires a whole different way of thinking than they're used to. For those it clicks for, it's really easy. I know my mom loved geometry... her geometry teacher told me!

I've also learned that you hear some interesting things in the teachers' lounge! 

But back to testing... Algebra II tests are tomorrow. I'm really glad I asked my department head about how she formats her Algebra II tests before I left today... because she just handed me hers and said I could use it if I want! I'm planning on it. I'm pretty sure it's the same test I took when I was a student. Guess this means that I have to recollect them after the test... they can't be reused if the students have them!

Finally... sports. (Finished talking about testing now.)
-Watched my little brother win (by a lot) this week in MS soccer. Fun times. Graded papers over dinner during a rain delay. 
-Sold popcorn with my freshmen at a rivalry volleyball game. Now that the kids have it down, I don't really have to do much (unlike the first game, where my co-advisor and I did it all ourselves), so I graded papers there too! 

A friend of mine who was an English major said my blog was very readable. I'm glad... as a math person, I'm not much of a writer. I can write, and I actually like grammar, but I don't always enjoy it. But I love my job, so I think that comes out in my writing... or at least I hope it does! 

1 comment:

  1. Teachers' lounges are... interesting places. And I also remember Geometry being a very different beast from my other math classes.
